Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Outside the Palace of Me

I'll say one thing for Shary Boyle:  her style is unlike that of any mixed media artist I've seen lately.  Her show at MAD is definitely a head scratcher.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Boyle represented Canada at the 2013 Venice Biennale.  The head on this elongated sculpture revolves intermittently.  I lacked the patience to capture her in motion after she startled me with an unanticipated swivel.

Hansel here reminds me of the Hummel figurines my mother probably brought at the PX when we first lived in Germany.  None survived my childhood.  He seems to be hiking solo through world of psychological terror.

Ditto for this ballerina.  Is she imagining the end of her career?

Things get even stranger in Boyles videos, sculptures and projections.

She embodies four female archetypes--a homemaker, an activist, a witch and a crone (not pictured)--in hand puppets on this woman with too many arms.

Boyle does for overhead transparencies what the Indonesians did with shadow puppets.  I'll never forget the first time I saw them in The Year of Living Dangerously, one of my all-time favorite movies.

In "The Trampled Devil," she kind of nails Andy's $$$$$$ obsession with a figure identified as "Warbucks."  It's not clear whether Boyle's tongue is in cheek or not.

Beautifully made crafts ground the museum's permanent collection.

"Taxonomia" by Armarinhos Teixeira (partial, 2020)
Untitled (Lone Ranger and Tonto bracelet)
by Teri Greeves (2004)
Tennessee Valley Authority Applique Quilt Design of a Black Fist (1934)
"Lyric with a Lollipop" by Bisa Butler (2017)
"The Family...Solid Like a Rock" by Carolyn Mazloomi (1991-93)
Seeing a quilt by Faith Ringgold in isolation gave me the time to read some of her panel text.  It's just as mind-blowing as anything she stitches! 

Move over, Lewis!

"Shades of Alice" by Faith Ringgold (partial, 1988/93)
"I Remember Way Back When" by Tiff Massey (partial, 2019)

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