Sunday, September 5, 2021

Burlington Walkabout

Six of the seven top-rated brunch spots in Burlington were closed during our brief visit, but the Penny Cause Cafe took our names and told us to return in 90 minutes, plenty of time for a little sightseeing downtown.

Great views of Lake Champlain are wasted on this real estate agency.

Appetite always enhances your enjoyment (I had grapes and coffee for breakfast) but our food seemed particularly good, especially the lightly dressed golden beet salad tossed with crunchy apples and crisp celery.  Everything tasted as if had been picked yesterday.

We rushed to make a matinee of Respect at the Roxy, housed in a building with hard-to-interpret mosaics.

It was the first time I'd been in a movie theater since seeing Parasite in January 2020, which I enjoyed a lot more.  Although Jennifer Hudson shines in the recording studio and concert scenes, Aretha's story was told much more clearly by the "Genius" producers. Stream it on Hulu.

By the time we left the theater, the skies had had 2.5 hours to start clearing.  We drove down to Perkins Park for some dramatic views of the harbor and hundreds of docked pleasure craft.

Looks like this bike is going to pedal with the fishes!

A remnant of Burlington's industrial past caught the late afternoon sun perfectly.

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