Thursday, September 2, 2021

The D Girls

Thom and I hadn't seen Magda and Joe since their February 2020 visit to the Folly. Everyone knows what happened next.  In the meantime, Della, now 14 months old, joined the family.

We drove up to South Boston just before Labor Day.  Thom went shopping at Jacadi first.  As you can see, his gift hit it right out of Thomas Park.

Watching the D Girls get ready for bed was sweet.  And exhausting 😁!

Moofy got his bath the next morning.  Look at that coat shine!

I think Thom may have been a little surprised when Dagny & Della wore their new, "cosmo" red outfits to the Young Republicans club the next morning.  Oops, I mean day care.  He probably was thinking more special occasion.

Dagny read his mind.  She gave us an impromptu dance recital.

She's a bit of a speed demon, too.  A girl after my own heart (and name!)

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