Saturday, August 24, 2024

Vermont Quilting Bee

Actually, it was a contest, with the entries on display at the Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock.  This took first prize.

"Road Trip" by Linda Diak 

But it wasn't my favorite. If only this one had been for sale.

"Tea Boys" by Verdel Grohman
Nothing like a little campy homoeroticism under which to curl up every chilly night.

And I don't just mean the cowboys.

"The time of COVID was so sad and demoralizing," said this quilter.  "I needed to find some humor in it somewhere."

"Covid---Achoo!" by Sandra Dadik
Covid inspired other people to take up the craft for the first time.  "I was sick of watching TV, eating and drinking," explained the man who quilted these umbrellas, who also worked as a docent at the museum.  Although the project took him nearly a year, he said many quilters can finish one in a month with the proper set-up.

"Dancing Umbrellas" by Tom Bivins

Jane Austen, who quilted with her mother and sister, inspired this homage with a coverlet that combined dozens of diamond-shaped fabric scraps more than two centuries ago.

"Jane's Quilt" by Karyn Lord
Even warmer than the real thing!

New Yorker Cover by Priscilla Leng
October 18, 2021 Print Edition
"Becky-More Than a Pretty Face" by Maria E. Waite
"Fizzle" by Meryl Goldfarb
Embroidered udders and tails make every cow unique in this quilt.

"Till The Cows Come Home" (detail) by Shawn Gonyaw
I loves me a peace sign.

"Sunflowers" by Marion Seasholtz

More Vermont:

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