Thursday, June 20, 2024

Meow Wolf

Magda and Joe raved about Meow Wolf after they returned from an extended stay in Sante Fe several years ago.

An enormous robot stands near the entrance.

It's probably best described as a funhouse, marketed to families who couldn't make it to Burning Man.

Visitors wander around a house searching for portals.  Thom and Léon climbed through a refrigerator door to get here.

An altered state probably increases your enjoyment of Meow Wolf.

This piece resonated because it's partially constructed of Scrabble tiles and because I had a quick answer to the question it poses:  driving an electric vehicle by myself from south Florida to the Pacific Northwest without having any real sense of the nation's charging infrastructure.  The risk paid off handsomely!

Kids definitely get a big kick out of the place.

After skipping lunch, even this artificial food began to look tasty.

The small plates at El Farol on Canyon Drive, Sante Fe's oldest restaurant, really hit the spot.  

Pastel de crema de limón

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