Saturday, December 1, 2018

I'll Have a B-52! And a Mint Chocolate Chip Cone!

Back at the Romance Hotel, a member of the Sticky Rice Crew caught Thom and me in the elevator as we headed to the rooftop pool for red wine and peanuts.  No wonder everyone thought we were a couple.

Thien showed us a shortcut to a riverfront restaurant.

David Bowie and John Denver, now THAT would have been a couple!

I ordered a B-52 and promptly set on fire the straw served with the flaming drink, which you're supposed to extinguish before you sip.  Chalk it up to my shock over Vietnamese nonchalance regarding the devastation wrought by the American bombers.

More sun the next morning, with terrific views of the city from the pool deck.

Before boarding the bus to our next destination, I snapped a selfie in front of my first employer.  Though the teenage girl working inside two nights before spoke pretty good English, she couldn't comprehend that I scooped the same brand of ice cream in El Paso almost 50 years earlier.  She probably didn't know what a B-52 was, either.  

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