Thursday, December 6, 2018

Controlled Chaos

Need some outmoded technology?  There's a street for that in Saigon.

We dodged a late afternoon downpour in Starbucks and watched the steady stream of motorbikes pass.  It's more diverting than you might imagine.

Cute pooch, no?

They call this the "secret" CIA building.  You may remember the American helicopter evacuation photo taken here.

Thom waved from the leafy balcony of the Hotel Continental.

Nearly everyone else in the Sticky Rice Crew had taken a day trip to the Mekong Delta.   As much as I wanted to see it, I wasn't at all sorry we had spent the day in Saigon.  We joined them for a final dinner after really poor drinks at the hotel.

Maybe we should have gone here instead.  Several ladies of the night propositioned us outside.

After dinner, we found out what happens when Viet Nam advances in the Asian soccer league.

The joyous celebration continued into the wee hours of the morning.

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