Sunday, November 25, 2018

Hoan Kiem Lake

Motorbike traffic in Hanoi is so dense that authorities close the streets around Hoan Kiem Lake on Sundays.  It makes for quite a show, especially among the K-pop wannabes.

Despite the ban on having more than two children, the birthrate in post-war Viet Nam has exploded.  Disney is inescapable.

The "Morning Sunlight Bridge" connects to the Temple of the Jade Mountain, where Thom took his first nap.

Exercisers use the park early, as we discovered the next morning when we went to the bank that ate my ATM card.  Talk about a stressful way to begin a vacation!

Apparently dinosaurs can withdraw dongs more easily than Americans.  Inflation is so high that one dollar = 23,000 dong.

Evidence of a break-up?

The lake is pretty at night, too.

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