Sunday, December 2, 2018

Wedding Photo Backdrop

A scenic morning on the bus took us from Hue through the central highlands down to Da Nang, along the coast of the East Sea.  It's a big no-no to call it the China Sea, the name frequently used by topographers.  The Sticky Rice Crew stopped for a photo op along the highway. 

The French built an enormous bunker complex at Hai Van Pass.  The US military used it to protect convoys transporting war materiel north to the 17th Parallel.  We climbed among the ruins to take in the best views yet.

Believe it or not, these structures now serve as a backdrop for many local wedding photos.

Just a few miles south, young American draftees typically landed at Da Nang, site of the largest US Air Force base in Southeast Asia. Their first glimpse of Viet Nam probably looked something like this.  

You can't miss the garish shrine at the bus stop below.

I was thirsty but not enough to take a chance on this water trough, just outside the men's toilet.

Many local tourists agreed, keeping this man busy.

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