Monday, November 26, 2018

The Road To Mai Chau

We drove to Mai Chau, a rural community less than 100 miles northwest of Hanoi.  The bus journey took four hours even though the first part of it was on a new highway.  Thom and Vinni didn't seem to mind.

Limestone hills called karst rise up from lush terrain.

We stopped on the side of a mountain where mostly female tourist vendors had set up shop.

This young woman demonstrated how to prepare sticky rice sheathed in bamboo.

Some animals really got into your face.

While others camouflaged themselves very well.

Colorful banners warned drivers to be on the lookout for other vehicles barreling around the curve.

We barely could see Mai Chau, nestled in the valley below.

Catherine, a bubbly Canadian, struck a quiet pose.

Our hotel faced a rice paddy.  It had a pool and an abundance of butterflies, but only three chaise lounges.  A recent windstorm blew away the rest.

Bill and Hillary, who are on opposite sides of the Brexit question back in Nottingham, were traveling with Sue, their daughter, and her husband.

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