Sunday, November 25, 2018

Old Quarter Stroll

Thom began our walking tour with a manicure.  Who could resist the $4.30 price, including tip?

Never again.  I prefer DIY although the manicurists could not have been lovelier.  Or more surprised.

Younger Vietnamese flashed frequent smiles.

Older ones not so much.

I couldn't tell if this sign was tongue-in-cheek or indicative of local parenting.

Streets take their names from the kinds of products sold.  Occasional shrines with colorfully painted guards interrupt mostly cheap-item commerce.

Poverty and sanitary conditions in the crowded Old Quarter repulsed Thom. "Dirty!" he exclaimed when I pressed him to eat the street food for which Hanoi is renowned. He can't understand why the rest of world doesn't live like Americans.  

Although it looks like some Vietnamese are trying to, which is odd, because EVERYONE is thin.  "That's because they probably have diarrhea all the time," Thom speculated.

Peasant women sell flowers and fruit from their bikes.

Caged birds are common.

We caught this pooch in the act of a blow-dry.

Cats are few and far between.

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